Breaking a house rule
"Everyone is a VIP". For the last edition, I am slightly breaking our first house rule. For me, two participants stand out this year.
Before I start, a quick overview of what is going on with PIRATE Summit (just 9 days to go):
I am working on the Last Burn evening. One idea is to include an open mic session to include many voices from the community. But I am still open for suggestions. Anything you want to contribute? Just reply to this mail.
If you want to dress for the occasion, there is a new shirt in the merch shop. Its simplicity has made it a community favorite. Also, our long time partner KPMG 🙏 is sponsoring a limited edition Last Burn shirt. It will only be available at the event. As you might have guessed, it has fire on it. 🔥
We are still looking for pictures, videos and stories from past PIRATE Summits. We’d love to share them during the event. If you have anything we could share, please send them by replying to this mail (preferably as Drive/iCloud/Dropbox link).
Quite a few people have signed up for PIRATE Circle. Remember, this is not a conference but a retreat. We will keep it intimate and focused, that’s why everybody needs to apply. At some point, we will close applications. If you want to participate, please apply soon.
One thing was for sure during the last decade: It never rains at PIRATE Summit. 🌞 It looks like it won't for the Last Burn. 🤞
The hardest part of the decision to set PIRATE Summit free was telling my kids.
My kids grew up with the event. They have been attending, since they were only a few weeks old.
My son has been one of the few people to go to every edition.
PIRATE Summit is the yearly ritual my kids look forward to. A major highlight of the year. Just like Christmas or birthdays.
Every year - months before the event - they want to know what will happen and who will come.
Proud pirates
My kids proudly wear the wristbands until they get a new one at the next event (see the recent picture below). Same with shirts and caps. This is my daughter’s favorite shirt.
I asked them today which days and times they wanted to come for the Last Burn. The answer came immediately and was clear: "All days!"
Already now, they look forward to the venue, the food, the music, the artists, the fire. And the participants.
Last year, they couldn’t sleep days before the event because Julius, the CEO of Titus - Europe’s leading skateboarding brand - was coming.
A source of inspiration
Only now that PIRATE Summit is ending, do I realize the impact this event is having on my kids.
Next to the impact of the experience itself, there are some very practical implications.
PIRATE Summit has - for example - been a strong motivator for them to learn English. They want to understand what is being said and what people are talking about. And - even more importantly - what people are building and working on.
We have made good progress with English, but we haven't quite gotten there. This year, they will only understand parts of it.
However, they will feel what is happening. The whole experience is nourishment for their souls that stays with them for weeks or even months after.
A source of inspiration that sparks wonder and curiosity. It will - so I hope - give them a positive perspective on life. Life as a possibility. Something that can be shaped.
I hope having had the experience of PIRATE Summit in their life will have inspired them to be curious, creative and open. And will help them understand the value of community.
Here you have it: Another driving factor for making the Last Burn exceptional. And the reason why I will slightly break our first house rule, “Everyone is a VIP”.
The whole crew works tirelessly to create a memorable last edition for all participants.
I do too. But I do it especially for two: My kids.
See you soon for the Last Burn!
Be safe, be healthy, and be kind. 🙏🏽